
Rabu, 24 Juli 2013


1=D  4/4  8 Beat  Tempo=66-70                                       Album `Pulihkan Neg`riku`

1. When the music fades and all is stepped away and I simply come
    Longing just to bring something that`s of worth, He will bless your heart
    I`ll bring you more that a song, for a song in it self
    Is not what You have required
    You search much depper within trough the way things appear
    You`re looking into my heart

2. King of endless worth, no one could express, how much You deserve
    Through I am weak and poor, all I have is Yours, ev`ry single breath
     I`ll bring you more that a song, for a song in it self
     Is not what You have required
     You search much depper within trough the way things appear
     You`re looking into my heart

Reff :
    I`m coming back to the heart of worship
    And it`s all about You, it`s about You Jesus
    I`m sorry Lord for the thing I`ve made
    When it`s all about You, it`s all about You, Jesus

Bahasa Indonesia

1. Ku datang Tuhan dengan segala kerinduanku
    Rindu selalu berkati hatimu dalam pujian
    Ku bawa kepadaMu seluruh hidupku
    Di mezbahMu oh Tuhan
    Selidiki batinku, ubahkan hidupku
    Saat ku menyembahMu

2. BagiMu Yesus Raja yang layak, layak disembah
    S`gala yang ada padaMu Yesus kepunyaanMu
     Ku bawa kepadaMu seluruh hidupku
    Di mezbahMu oh Tuhan
    Selidiki batinku, ubahkan hidupku
    Saat ku menyembahMu

Reff :
    Kembali ku menyembahMu Yesus
    Hanya menyembahMu, menyembahMu Tuhan
    Ampuni Tuhan s`gala dosaku
    Kini ku kembali kepadaMu Yesus

*(Lagu dengan chord dan not Angka dapat dilihat di PW3 Plus No 286)

Minggu, 14 Juli 2013

My Life, My Experience, My Everything..

My Family
First I want to tell my story about my self.. I was  born in the family which have 1 brother and 1 sister, I have a great mom and a daddy.. I have a modest life in my home.

My mom is a great mom coz she has a lot of strength to do her job as a housewife and a hard worker in her job is a “ konfeksi” and my dad is a lazy but its because his body is weak but his also helping my mom to do the job in “konfeksi”.

My sister, she is a stubborn girl. If she want, she must do it but if she don’t want..don’t ask her, she probably don’t want to that.. my mom said she’s really a stubborn girl. But still I know she is a hard work too..maybe the condition in her life push her to survive..coz now she is in hongkong alone but she live in my aunty home. She also enjoy her life in there but she can’t to be informed anything.. she want do what she want..but I also pray to God to change her..i believe it can be..coz in God nothing impossible..

My brother, he is a hard worker and a good brother to me.. after my sis go to HK.. he is also to be my friend, my best brother that I ever had… he is do his job well..i also talking heart to heart to him.. especially after I got sick..

Me, I am is mix my mom and my dad.. I have a attitude like my sis is stubborn but I think I just have think that is true is always true.. like I said I am mix my mom coz my mom a hard worker as like me if I think I can do it no matter how hard it is, I must got it or do it.. but if I think is useless, what ever say it to me I don’t want do it..yes it is side of my stubborn.. like dad, I am a lazy girl too..like I say if I don’t want do that I really don’t do it and I have a weak body like my dad..

My life
When I am in school, I am one of the smart girl.. I can receive lesson in my class and also I have a rank in my class although not a big three but I am still in between 10 rank..i have a good attitude was in school..
In college too, I am a good listener..i have a lot of friend, man and girl..but still have a best friend is a 6 or 5 close friend and until now I have a contact to them..i like to associate with other people..

In working, first I working I still in college do my essay..and I thank God coz still I’m in college I have work.. but it not a long time coz just three month I have work there..okay I think this is a good experience to me.
Until I finish my essay, I search a job and I have it in ancol is Lion Superindo near my campus so I don’t have difficult time to go there..previously that my first job in kuningan street and if I go there I must wake up earlier..but in this job it is not..i have a lot of experience in there coz my friend also work there and it make me stand there long-term but still just 5 month.. coz a lot of my friend search another job and I have a difficult situation in there.. after I check out from Superindo, I have a job in little company is near my church..but I can’t have long time in there coz I looking forward search another job that make me feel better than that.. so just in 1 month I go out there..

I looking2 to another job that make me have a lot of experience.. and I found job that different with my old job coz in previous my job is accounting or finance but in there my job is sales in bank.. in there I have a lot of experience, meet a lot of people, a lot of job is different from my past. I call the people to get a meeting with them and I have a target to do this job..i must find people that want to open account in my bank.. and also in there I don’t work in long term coz just 1 month in there and I go out… searching2 to what job I must be..

Honestly, I have a dream that I want to be servant of God..i want to go the theologia college.. I was try go there until three times and I can’t..i also ask to God, if this is my future and my passion in there..i admit I also like to do that job is like a servant.. I can meet all of people, a lot of experience that I never think I can do that..but my mom, my dad, my brother until my friends in church or a lot of people say I can’t do that job..whether I must to forget my dream..my passion..my will..i know Lord, You ever say with me that my job is do your job which You show to me..until then I must still waiting..
And in my waiting. U give me job that I never knew is a finance..it is a easy job although the first time is difficult coz there I work with my friend that have attitude like me.. and that a lot of problem in there..but once again I see Your power to change that..until one half year I working there I have a comfort zone in there that make me can’t change and also I have a problem in there not about the job but about the people..until I choose to get out over there and I also wait if you can give me job that make me more grow up with You.

After I go out with my oldest job, I see You lead me to do job is a teacher..its my favorite job coz I pray to You to gave me job that make me growth. And You gave it to me with miracle.. but I can’t do that job coz my mom say it can’t and my evangelist said it too.. coz previously I get out in my old job I got a sick and they say I can’t do that job..so I didn’t take that job..i really feel sorry with the headmaster in gamaliel school also with my friend that she introduce me with the headmaster..i am really2 dissapointed..
After I can’t do that job which God gave it to me..i also have a bad attitude, I also mad and anger with mom, dad, brother and a lot of people.. coz they are also manage what I must doing..i also mad and really mad until I go to singapure that my aunty invite me to go Singapore with her, her son and also my mom..
In Singapore, I can’t happy to go there. I can’t enjoy my vacation in there.. I also make the a reason to mad with mom.. that what my mom do I also think its wrong.. until five day I go to there I don’t have reason to appologize my mom mistake.. but thanks God, in there You remember me don’t anger and mad with mom..what she must do is also for the best to you..and little by little God change my heart to forgive my mom..although I can’t all of her mistake..but thanks God u also remembering me that my mom do is for me..she don’t want I get a sick, coz she always scare that I got sick..
After I back home from Singapore..i can’t think what I must do..i want do this job my mom don’t give her permission..until I try to search another job just to kill my time…

Finally, I try to take a job that give me big fee but difficult to go to there..and I think God don’t want I get this job coz in holiday I must go work until Sunday if a lot of work I must go to. So I try another job is same like my brother company but different place. I can get on in coz I have a friend in there..so I go to there easy. I work there not long term too just three month..coz a lot of problem in there make me feel that I must not there honestly..until my foot sick I  am not going there and I resign to there company..a lot of memory in there..but I know God will give me the best until the end..i believe it…

About Boy
I have a lot of friend and it is a boy too..
But never going special to me..i don’t have a close realiationship with one of them.. many boy come and go but not have special time with me..in college I got one close friend,but just friend..until I’m working too I have a friend that close to me but never until really close maybe its because I also want to catch my dream…until now, don’t have a special man in life..okay I admit, one boy try to catch me until two years and I just ignore him..i really feel sorry..first his is younger than me and second his make me scare coz he always catch me..but now I’m really falling in love with him coz  he never stop to catch me and never disssapointed with me..but now he has a friend that close friend a lot of woman..i don’t know how come we can go to talk like past..  

Thanks Lord..You teach me a lot in my life…that waiting time is not a useless but is a process.. that the process You gave it to me it’s a worth it..until You show me to do what passion You gave it to me to do..Thanks lord..thanks..just thanks for all of this..

Romans 8:28
 And we know that in all things God works for the goodof those who love him, who[a] have been called according to his purpose.(NIV)


  1. Romans 8:28 Or that all things work together for good to those who love God, who; or that in all things God works together with those who love him to bring about what is good—with those who
source bible:http://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Romans+8%3A28&version=NIV

Playing 'What If'

Iseng2 buka blog ketemu permainan "What If" dari Blognya Kezia.. so jadi pengen nyoba...ceqidot guys...

*sedikit tambahan dari g definisi wanita*
Wanita adalah makhluk yang unik, kadang kita tidak tau apa maunya..lebih suka pendam sendiri apa yang di rasa..*bener apa bener...yang berasa wanita silakan comment sendiri"""

Orang-orang berkata kalo gue :
Ramah, bawel dan seru. tapi first impression kl liat gw biasanya g tenang en pendiam.. :p

Kalo dapet 1 milyar gue pasti : 
Potong sepersepuluh dulu, sebagian disimpen(tabung),  sebagian lagi buat   belanja..belanja....belanja....hahaha

Klo kejebak macet gue...
ngoceh...ngoceh sendiri...*malu-maluin ya... 

Indonesia adalah negara yang...
super duper padet... padet orangnya... padet kendaraannya.. padet... pokoke padet bangetz...

Mantan gue...
sejujurnya g ga mau pacaran kl ujung2nya putus.. jadi sampai sekrg lagi masa pencarian cinta sejati...
so...belum ada mantan..

Klo berada di depan kuburan M.J...
Michael Jackson?? 
g emang suka MJ tapi ga maniak2 amet apalagi sampe ke kuburannya..*nope i don't want* ga sampai segitu maniaknya kali...

Hidup ini penuh dengan..
kata orang sih ga ada masalah ga idup ya...hehehehe..

Tak ada tempat yang indah selain...
pantai dengan pemandangan yang indah.*i very like nature* apalagi dapat nenangin jiwa dari mumetnya otak...hahahaha...

Ke mana pun gue pergi, pasti bawa...
KUNCI RUMAH (paling penting)
HP, dompet, tissue, minyak kayu putih, obat2 pribadi *that's my stuff yang slalu g bawa2 setiap kali g pegi..

Kalo divonis kanker...
ga pernah divonis sakit kanker..tapi dulu g pernah sakit en sampai masuk rumah sakit.. Puji Tuhan g bisa sembuh.... *thanks God*

Pagi-pagi enaknya makan...
mie...mie..*indomie seleraku...hehehehe...*

Pekerjaan yang paling membosankan di dunia adalah...
melakukan hal yang kita nggak suka.. Waktu berasa lama bangeed berlalunya..

Hal yang paling mengerikan di dunia adalah...
hidup tanpa arah tujuan dan tanpa teman..kayaknya boring bangetz dah kl no friends...

Bencana alam itu...
akibat keegoisan manusia..

Waktu SMA gue dikenal sebagai...
anak yang alim tapi juga bawel...huahauaua....

Saat yang paling tenang, saat...
tiduran sambil baca buku... Uhhhmm..*that's my favourite things to do* apalagi kalo baca comic bisa berjam2 ga keluar kamar... :p

Paling males kalo ngelihat...
orang rese, sok2 ngatur hidup orang...

Kalo orang ciuman didepan gue...
*cuekin* (buang muka)

Gue pengen banget...
hidup bebas alias free ngelakuin apa yg g suka tapi masih sesuai dgn Firtu pastinya..

Wanita2 cantik dan seksi di dpan gw sambil ketawa2 keras2, dalem pikiran gue...
ce ganjen...*ups sorry...kalo masih batas normal sh gpp ya tapi kl sampe ganggu orang..wah..wah..

Pria dengan jeans robek", baju hitam gambar tengkorak, ngerokok, nongkrong depan circle-K, dalem pkrn gue..
PREMAN atau anak bandel.. *lebih baik jangan deket2* 

Orang yang sok imut dan sok childish...
biasanya adalah orang slalu cari perhatian, kemana2 slalu maunya diperhatiin...*kasihan kurang kasih sayang kali ya* 

Lagi jalan, ada yang lewat pake motor bilang "fuck you"
*tetep jalan* sambil mikir sapa luh ngatain orang sembarangan...

Mama papa bilang kapan nikah?
Untungnya ga pernah ditanyain...kalo sampai ditanyain sih, jawab aja blm ada yg sreg...hehehehe

Afgan dateng kerumah...
mempersilakan dia masuk trus tawarin dia duduk en suruh nyanyiiiiii.... jarang2 kan artis kece datang ke rumah...hehehehheh..:p

Kalo tengah malem ditelepon pacar...
belum punya pacar en kl pun ada dl pas di pdkt in itu jg biasa aja..kl masih tidur ya ga g angkat tp kalo masih bangun asal wajar jamnya g angkat..kl ga g cuekin..hehhehe

Kalo besok kiamat..
Astaga....masih banyak yang belum g buat en belum g raih...(banyak keinginan nih kayaknya)
tapi kalo misalnya begitu..akan sll lakukan yg terbaik yang g bisa..*amin*

#Coba2 yang mau ikutan games seru ini...
Untuk mengetahui diri kita sendiri..
Selamat mencoba...#

Minggu, 09 Juni 2013

Mazmur 39

Mazmur 39


Untuk pemimpin biduan. Untuk Yedutun. Mazmur Daud. (39-2) Pikirku: "Aku hendak menjaga diri, supaya jangan aku berdosa dengan lidahku; aku hendak menahan mulutku dengan kekang selama orang fasik masih ada di depanku."
39:2(39-3) Aku kelu, aku diam, aku membisu, aku jauh dari hal yang baik; tetapi penderitaanku makin berat.
39:3(39-4) Hatiku bergejolak dalam diriku, menyala seperti api, ketika aku berkeluh kesah; aku berbicara dengan lidahku:
39:4(39-5) "Ya TUHAN, beritahukanlah kepadaku ajalku, dan apa batas umurku, supaya aku mengetahui betapa fananya aku!
39:5(39-6) Sungguh, hanya beberapa telempap saja Kautentukan umurku; bagi-Mu hidupku seperti sesuatu yang hampa. Ya, setiap manusia hanyalah kesia-siaan! Sela
39:6(39-7) Ia hanyalah bayangan yang berlalu! Ia hanya mempeributkan yang sia-sia dan menimbun, tetapi tidak tahu, siapa yang meraupnya nanti.
39:7(39-8) Dan sekarang, apakah yang kunanti-nantikan, ya Tuhan? Kepada-Mulah aku berharap.
39:8(39-9) Lepaskanlah aku dari segala pelanggaranku, jangan jadikan aku celaan orang bebal!
39:9(39-10) Aku kelu, tidak kubuka mulutku, sebab Engkau sendirilah yang bertindak.
39:10(39-11) Hindarkanlah aku dari pada pukulan-Mu, aku remuk karena serangan tangan-Mu.
39:11(39-12) Engkau menghajar seseorang dengan hukuman karena kesalahannya, dan menghancurkan keelokannya sama seperti gegat; sesungguhnya, setiap manusia adalah kesia-siaan belaka. Sela
39:12(39-13) Dengarkanlah doaku, ya TUHAN, dan berilah telinga kepada teriakku minta tolong, janganlah berdiam diri melihat air mataku! Sebab aku menumpang pada-Mu, aku pendatang seperti semua nenek moyangku.
39:13(39-14) Alihkanlah pandangan-Mu dari padaku, supaya aku bersukacita sebelum aku pergi dan tidak ada lagi!"

Daud seorang yang diberkati Tuhan secara luar biasa, dan menjadi sahabat Allah. dia juga pernah mengalami titik rendah dalam hidupnya. di kejar2 Saul dan menjadi buronan selama beberapa tahun, menjadi raja dan malah dikhianati oleh anaknya sendiri. keliatannya selama hidupnya dia mengalami bermacam2 pergolakan namun di sini kita melihat bagaimana Tuhan turut bekerja dalam hidupnya dan bagaimana Daud bisa hidup dekat dengan Tuhan dan terus mengandalkan Tuhan dalam hidupnya.
Mazmur diatas mengingatkan Daud akan kebesaran Tuhan dan akan penyerahan total Daud kepada Tuhan. dimana ini juga bisa menjadi salah satu pegangan kita jika kita mengalami hal2 yang menyakitkan dan terus menerus menderita ingatlah Daud, yg sbg sahabat Tuhan bisa menderita juga. Tuhan Yesus yang adalah anak Allah juga menderita dalam hidup nya, apalagi kita masa kita mengeluh dalam hidup kita jika kita mengalami penderitaan. harusnya kita bisa mengambil pelajaran dalam hidup kita bahwa Tuhan akan selalu membantu kita keluar dari masalah yang kita hadapi, jadi kita tidak perlu khawatir. Yang bisa kita lakukan adalah berserah penuh dengan taat dan sabar walau sulit. tapi yakinlah bahwa Tuhan akan memberi kekuatan bagi orang2 yang membutuhkan. =Amen=

Kamis, 23 Mei 2013

Pakai-pakailah Aku
A                          C#m  Em                    Bm
Pakai-pakailah aku jadi pelayan kecil-Mu
C#m               F#m               Bm E
Walau aku masih terlalu kecil, Tuhan pakai aku
A                         C#m    Em                           Bm
Trima-trimalah aku s’bagai persembahan hidup
C#m                                F#m                Bm        E               A
Walau tiada lagi yang ku miliki selain diriku sendiri.
D                    C#m           Bm  E                A
Ingatkan tekadku ini sampai ku besar nanti
D   E                     C#m     F#       Bm                  E
Ku mau kabarkan kasih-Mu, Yesus sahabatku
D                      C#m           Bm   E              A
Ingatkan tekadku ini sampai ku besar nanti
D   E                    C#m     F#      Bm                       E                 A
Ku mau kabarkan kasih-Mu, Yesus sahabat dan Tuhanku

Kamis, 02 Mei 2013

10 kiat sukses

kiat untuk sukses :
1. Setiap bangun tidur ucapkan syukur kpd Tuhan Yesus yang telah memberi nafas dan hidup.
2. Setiap hari selalu bersukacita
3. Jangan pernah nengok kebelakang..apa yang ada sekarang jalanilah..ambil setiap berkat dari Tuhan..
4. Jangan pernah menyerah dlm menjalani hidup karena kita tidak akan pernah tau hari esok jadi jalani saja apa yang ada hari ini.
5. Jangan pernah takut salah..ambil pelajaran dari hal yang telah terjadi dan jangan ulangi kesalahan yang sama..
6. Sebelum bertindak pikirlah lebih dulu apalagi jika itu menyangkut masa depan(berpikir panjang) ..
7. Think positive in life coz life never stop..en good is always from God.
8. Jangan pernah biarkan pikiran kita memakan hal2 negatif yang ada disekitar kita.
9. Do good think, positive attitude, lakukan sgl hal untuk kebaikan bersama terutama jg diri sendiri kec Tuhan yang suruh kita pikul salib(berkorban) baru lkkn kalo tidak ngapain repot2 melkk hal susah Tuhan aja ga suruh kok..
10. Teruslah melangkah (keep moving) menatap hari dengan harapan2 baru didalam Tuhan dan sll ucapkan syukur dan berdoa dalam bertindak alhasil apa yang kita lkkn akan berhasil.

Selasa, 10 Juli 2012

woman oh woman...

If you say she's pretty, she's be presumed you are tease..
If you say she's ugly, she's be presumed insult..
if you say she's weak, she will be protest..
if you say she's brave, she is cry..

Wants to Emancipation, but if you order her to repair roof tile she doesn't want.
Wants to Emancipation, but if you order her to stands in the bus she's sullen
Wants to Emancipation, there pulled rickshaw.
Wants to Emancipation, but if you order her to take away the rices she's long face.

If you ask who is to be proud,
Most people answer that MOM,
But why...she will proud to be carrier woman.
Whereas there mom is HOUSEWIFE.

If you tell her mistake, her face will be red.
When you taught, her face will be red.
If you exalted her, her face will be red.
If she angry, her face is red.
heah...same at all?? confused??

Ask yes or not, her answer: Silent..
Ask not or yes, her answer: Silent.. 
Ask yes or yes, her answer: Silent..
Ask not or not, her answer: Silent..
When ignored her, Angry..

Said Captious, Angry.
Said Noisy, Cranky.
Said garrulous, Offended.
But if you said her sociable, she will be happy.
Whereas the same meaning..

You said she's fat, she will be unhappy..
Whereas we mean she's health..
You said thin, she will be happy..
Whereas we mean "why you be like this?"

That's a woman...
More we confused...she will be happy...

source: Laugh is beautiful by Xavier Quentin Pranata(hlm. 111-112)

Woman....oh Woman...
Wkwkwkwkw.....kenapa pada dipusingin sh..padahal mah wanita itu simple..
'Cause woman wants to be understood...